Team Spotlight on Stacey Haggart, Strategy Advisor

Our Blue Tree Team Spotlight is on Stacey Haggart, one of our amazing strategy advisors! 

As a key player on our Blue Tree Team, Stacey shares intriguing facts about herself that may surprise you. Plus, take a peek at some candid snapshots featuring her favorite people and places. Ready for a glimpse into Stacey’s world? Here we go! 

Q: What is it like to work at Blue Tree?

A: Blue Tree is the first company I’ve worked for that values work / life balance.

Q: What do you find most unique about this company?  

A: Every colleague brings their distinctive experience to the entire team rounding out skillsets on a project. There is an esprit de corps that has developed as we’ve delivered solutions across projects together.

Q: How would you describe your position?

A: My role is rather multifaceted as I can be advising a CEO as his/her CIO as well as working alongside a company’s team to help them manage their IT program more effectively. Several times throughout the year I will go to market and competitively evaluate service providers for integration of needed solutions into a company’s IT portfolio.

Q: What has been your favorite project at Blue Tree?

A: My favorite project thus far has been a datacenter migration for one of our non-profit customers. I enjoyed it because we moved our customer from an underperforming datacenter provider to a high performing provider. This project solved a lot of problems experienced by the customer and alleviated a great deal of operational integrity concerns.

Q: What are 3 words to describe you?

A: Diligent, Resourceful, Thorough

Q: Where is your happy place?

A: Being surrounded by both my immediate and extended family over our summers on Lake Okoboji, IA.

Q: What kind of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?

A: Recreating in Prescott, AZ fabulous outdoor space either on a trail (hiking or biking) or a lake (paddleboarding).

Q: What do most people not know about you?

A:  Scouting has taken a significant place in our family. My husband and son #1 are both Eagle Scouts, and son #2 has completed his Eagle project and turned in his paperwork awaiting his Eagle review. I have recently been appointed as the Scouting Commissioner over our quad-city area.

Q: Personal motto, mantra, or favorite quote?

A: “Trust but verify.”

Q: Favorite TV Show?

A: My favorite series was Game of Thrones.

Q: Favorite Food?

A: Mediterranean

Thank you, Stacey, for your invaluable contributions to the Blue Tree team!