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Team Spotlight on Stacey Haggart, Strategy Advisor

Our Blue Tree Team Spotlight is on Stacey Haggart, one of our amazing strategy advisors! 

As a key player on our Blue Tree Team, Stacey shares intriguing facts about herself that may surprise you. Plus, take a peek at some candid snapshots featuring her favorite people and places. Ready for a glimpse into Stacey’s world? Here we go! 

Q: What is it like to work at Blue Tree?

A: Blue Tree is the first company I’ve worked for that values work / life balance.

Q: What do you find most unique about this company?  

A: Every colleague brings their distinctive experience to the entire team rounding out skillsets on a project. There is an esprit de corps that has developed as we’ve delivered solutions across projects together.

Q: How would you describe your position?

A: My role is rather multifaceted as I can be advising a CEO as his/her CIO as well as working alongside a company’s team to help them manage their IT program more effectively. Several times throughout the year I will go to market and competitively evaluate service providers for integration of needed solutions into a company’s IT portfolio.

Q: What has been your favorite project at Blue Tree?

A: My favorite project thus far has been a datacenter migration for one of our non-profit customers. I enjoyed it because we moved our customer from an underperforming datacenter provider to a high performing provider. This project solved a lot of problems experienced by the customer and alleviated a great deal of operational integrity concerns.

Q: What are 3 words to describe you?

A: Diligent, Resourceful, Thorough

Q: Where is your happy place?

A: Being surrounded by both my immediate and extended family over our summers on Lake Okoboji, IA.

Q: What kind of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?

A: Recreating in Prescott, AZ fabulous outdoor space either on a trail (hiking or biking) or a lake (paddleboarding).

Q: What do most people not know about you?

A:  Scouting has taken a significant place in our family. My husband and son #1 are both Eagle Scouts, and son #2 has completed his Eagle project and turned in his paperwork awaiting his Eagle review. I have recently been appointed as the Scouting Commissioner over our quad-city area.

Q: Personal motto, mantra, or favorite quote?

A: “Trust but verify.”

Q: Favorite TV Show?

A: My favorite series was Game of Thrones.

Q: Favorite Food?

A: Mediterranean

Thank you, Stacey, for your invaluable contributions to the Blue Tree team!

Keilah Woodard

Keilah Woodard is the Marketing Director at Blue Tree Technology Group, where she enjoys blending her creativity with analytics every day. When she's not immersed in the fascinating world of IT, you'll likely find her engrossed in a good book, playing board games with her family, or exploring the beauty of Northern California.

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